Can I Get Beyond The Surface A Photo Eassy On Karamoja By Eric Mukalazi & Brian King Lokutae in 2024/2025

where can i buy beyond the surface eassy on karamoja by eric mukalazi & brian king lokutae in 2024/2025

Beyond the surface cost $ 40 on amazon


The photo book Beyond the Surface explores the landscapes of the northeastern Ugandan sub-region known as Karamoja. a close-up view of Karamoja residents' attire, artwork, and way of life. Click here to view mountain gorilla trekking safaris 

who are the photographers in the beyond the surface photo eassy on karamoja by Eric Mukalazi & Brian King Lokutae

Brian Lokutae is a hospitality specialist, photographer, travel expert, and tour guide. He was born in Karimojong and has amassed a remarkable collection of local photos. Join @lokutae on Instagram. Click here to see our recommended mountain gorilla trekking safari 


Eric Mukalazi is a well-known documentary filmmaker, photographer, and CEO of Dragonfly Media Uganda, a production company working with many organizations that strive for and advocate for social change in all aspects. Follow @ericmukalazi on Instagram.

When is the best time to travel to Karamoja in 2024/2025?

The best time to travel to Karamoja is from December to February, when there is less or no rain and it gets drier and hotter in the months above. January and February are considered the warmest months in Karamoja, with daytime temperatures of about 32°C/90°F and morning temperatures of approximately 18°C/64°F.