Can I See Banded Mongoose In Queen Elizabeth National Park In 2024/2025

can i track banded mongoose in queen elizabeth national park in 2024/2025


Banded Mongoose tracking safaris at Queen Elizabeth National Park, situated in southwestern Uganda, offer endless tourism activities. Queen Elizabeth National Park is among Uganda’s oldest national parks. Queen Elizabeth National Park stands in four districts: Kasese, Rubirizi, Rukungiri, and Kamwenge. Click here to view mountain gorilla trekking safaris 


Queen Elizabeth National Park is famous for the mighty tree-climbing lions situated in the Ishasha sector, which lies in the southern sector of the park, as well as for harboring many wildlife species such as elephants, warthogs, hippos, antelopes, crocodiles, and Uganda kobs, among others. Click here to see our recommended mountain gorilla trekking tour


The banded mongoose is a small mammal with large heads, long tails, long bodies, and small ears. They have strong claws that they use to dig burrows and also fight their enemies. Mongooses are small animals in general, just like small cats. Mongooses stay in groups of about 20 individuals, and they always sleep together at night.


Banded mongoose safaris in Queen Elizabeth National Park take place on the Mweya Peninsula, approximately near the Kazinga Channel. Mongoose trekking is carried out on foot with experienced guides and researchers. Mweya Peninsula accommodates approximately 400 banded mongooses; there are over 12 groups, and the Uganda Wildlife Authority only issued a maximum of 4 permits for tracking banded mongooses, offering a life-changing experience.


While you track banded mongoose travelers, you always learn, monitor mongoose behaviors and surrounding habits, and learn how to differentiate females from males by observations, and your information is added to the researchers’ database. Only a limited number of people are accepted to track the banded mongoose in order to reduce human stress.


Banded mongoose tracking can be done throughout the year but is best done during the dry seasons. Mongoose tracking is either carried out early in the morning, like at 7 a.m., or late in the evening, but it's best in the morning.


What can I do at Queen Elizabeth National park in 2024/2025

Tree Climbing Lions: Queen Elizabeth National Park offers two populations of unique lions around the globe. Travelers should explore the southern Ishasha sector to search for tree-climbing lions, mostly seen up in the fig and acacia trees.


The Kazinga Channel is a natural water channel that connects Lakes Albert and Gorge and is a paradise for a large school of hippos, Nile crocodiles, elephants, and birds, which can easily be seen on the thrilling Kazinga Boat Ride.


Kasenyi Plains: The Kasenyi Plains are so famously visited by many travelers on a Uganda Wildlife Safari as they're home to a large number of antelopes, lions, Uganda Kobs, and several large predators.


Kalinzu Forest: This forest offers rewarding chimpanzee trekking experiences, and it is just located on the southeastern corner of Queen Elizabeth National Park.


Kyambura Gorge: Kyambura Gorge is a verdant forested 100-meter-deep valley within Queen Elizabeth National Park with peculiar features and is home to a large number of primates, like the popular Chimpanzee trekking tours in Queen Elizabeth National Park.


Mweya Peninsular: This is a stretch of land located in Queen Elizabeth National Park that protrudes into Lake Edwards. It is most visited during the game drives and offers perfect game viewing while exploring the endless game tracks.

Lake Katwe Salt Works: Lake Katwe is within the alkaline, where salt mining has been ongoing for several years. It’s the main economic activity within the area. Many tourists visit Lake Katwe to learn and observe the traditional method of mining salt.


The Katwe Explosion Crater Lakes: these lakes are located in the northern part of the highest elevation of Queen Elizabeth National Park. Tourists enjoy the sweeping views of Lake Edward, Lake George, the Rwenzori Mountain ranges, and the western rift valley escarpments.

When can I visit Queen Elizabeth national park in 2024/2025

The best time to travel to Queen Elizabeth National Park is from June to August, which is the peak season, and again from December to February for wildlife viewing, chimpanzee trekking experiences, and nature walks. During the peak season, there's less or no rainfall, so vegetation is thinner and wildlife viewing is easier.